
Crece a través del aprendizaje

Achieve learning results faster and more efficiently
Leverage the power of educational technology and artificial intelligence
Start transforming your organisation with us right now

Who are we?

We are a team of professionals who are experts in creating quality learning experiences. Our team includes educational psychologists, instructional designers, graphic designers, computer scientists and technology experts. Together, we propose efficient solutions for the creation or improvement of educational projects in organisations of all sizes.

To make the development of people and organisations more efficient by designing and building efficient and motivating learning solutions.

In the exercise of our work we value:

-The good use of educational technology to represent the content and promotion of higher cognitive processes.
-The integral development of people under a competency-based approach.
-Shared work in the design of educational solutions between our clients and our team.

Our services

Learning management systems
We install, configure, deploy and manage LMS learning platforms of all sizes. We are experts in Moodle LMS.
Courses via Whatsapp
We deploy courses of any length via Whatsapp making access easier, generating a more efficient and motivating experience.
Educational consultancy
We work hand in hand with our clients to create educational models, educational programmes and techno-educational tools.

Teaching of educational technologies


We offer online courses to teach our methodology for creating learning resources and activities.

Virtual courses

Virtual courses

We do the instructional design and learning resources and activities for virtual courses. This process is optimised with artificial intelligence.

Competencies and programmes

Competencies and programmes

We team up with our clientes to identify and describe the competencies needed by their teams and create programmes that promote their development.

Educational management

This is the heading

We assist organisations in the deployment of their educational projects, whether it be assisting users, managing LMS or other forms.

Some of our projects

FINCA Peru is an organization that promotes community development through microcredits and population training in the proper use of granted funds. A significant part of their processes involves having a team of credit evaluators with solid training to make fair decisions regarding the granting or denial of financing. In this context, the client expressed the need to optimize how they built and deployed their training programs, given that the evaluation team spends a lot of time in the field and their training schedules are not fixed.

Aprendizaje360 built -together with the client- a five-module course deployed through WhatsApp. This course features various types of educational activities: videos, podcasts, infographics, games, and more. Additionally, it includes assessment activities for each module with immediate feedback. What’s interesting about these courses is that they also include a learning assistant powered by an artificial intelligence engine that can answer content-related questions from users.

Consequently, participants now have access to quality training, deployed on a familiar platform, which allows for easier access and facilitates the management of their own learning pace.

Innova Schools Mexico is a K-12 school system in constant growth in Mexico. This growth implies greater training needs for the teaching staff. These training needs must be addressed quickly and with quality in educational design and high availability of training for these teachers. Furthermore, due to the workload of these teachers, training must be accessible from anywhere, at any time.

Aprendizaje360 implemented a high-performance Moodle platform on a cloud infrastructure. This platform utilizes various Amazon Web Services services, such as EC2, serverless databases (RDS), auto-balancing, auto-scaling, and wide-bandwidth hard drives to ensure the platform responds quickly and has very high availability. In addition, a series of indicators have been implemented that are constantly monitored to ensure service performance, allowing for preventive and reactive actions in an efficient manner.

As a result, Innova Schools Mexico now has a virtual learning platform for its teachers that ensures easy and fast access to their training. Moreover, the institution has the security that their data is secure and constant updates are possible.

The Universidad Privada del Norte (UPN) is one of the largest universities in Peru by number of students and campuses throughout the country. On the other hand, Peruvian legislation on education requires universities to have an updated educational model, which clearly establishes and describes the major principles and action axes that the university proposes to achieve its mission and vision. In addition, UPN was in the process of incorporating a massive virtual learning offering.

Aprendizaje360 developed, together with the university’s most important stakeholders (rector, vice-rectors, department heads, faculty, administrative staff, and others), the university’s educational model, in accordance with the requirements of Peruvian legislation, but above all in accordance with the vision for the future and level of excellence of this organization. This educational model is nourished by a socioconstructivist theoretical framework, educational best practices, and the integration of the university’s values and pillars. In addition, an educational process management model was built to efficiently deploy a large offering of virtual learning.

Innova Schools was able to deploy the QEL tests for four consecutive years with the technological support of Aprendizaje360 to an ever-increasing number of subjects and students and was able to obtain the results programmatically, which allowed for accelerating the data analysis process.

In a constant effort to improve educational quality, Innova Schools conducts an annual test that measures student learning in various subjects. These tests have psychometric validity and, given the large size of the school system in Peru, they are deployed on virtual environments. Because of this, it is convenient for data collection to be relatively simple, but without losing robustness and data cleanliness.

Aprendizaje360 implemented a test virtualization service that made the interaction between Innova Schools teachers and the Aprendizaje360 team more efficient for building virtual tests on a publicly available platform. Furthermore, Aprendizaje360’s IT team developed custom-made software so that students could take the tests without interference from other applications available on computers.

Innova Schools was able to deploy the QEL tests for four consecutive years with the technological support from Aprendizaje360 to an ever-increasing number of subjects and students and was able to obtain the results programmatically, which helped accelerate the data analysis processes.

UEBT, a non-profit organization that promotes the ethical sourcing of natural ingredients, required a virtual training platform to train personnel from its member institutions worldwide in a flexible and consistent manner. These professionals are responsible for applying, certifying, and verifying compliance with UEBT standards at ingredient production and processing sites. The platform had to ensure that this geographically dispersed personnel had the necessary knowledge to perform their work with efficacy.

Aprendizaje360 has supported UEBT in the development and implementation of its virtual training strategy, through a continuous consulting service and the customization of a scalable and multi-device LMS Moodle. This support has allowed UEBT to gradually define the best way to implement its virtual training strategy over time. The service also included the design and development of 100% virtual training modules, with interactive resources and Moodle tools. These developments were validated by UEBT experts to ensure their quality and relevance.

The implementation of the virtual training platform has enabled UEBT to train personnel from its member institutions globally in a continuous, flexible, and standardized manner. The issuance of certifications through the platform validates the skills acquired, strengthening UEBT’s global network and its capacity to promote biodiversity regeneration and respect for human rights in supply chains.

In the context of the confinement due to the 2020 pandemic, CENTRUM PUCP found itself in the need to promptly migrate to a fully virtual model. To this end, they required support to ensure the continuity of their programs, given that their teachers were not familiar with the use of technological tools for teaching classes in virtual environments.

Aprendizaje360 implemented a comprehensive technical tutoring service, which included the hiring, management, and training of a team of tutors. The tutors provided support to teachers in the use of Adobe Connect during sessions. The service was adapted to the needs of CENTRUM PUCP, with the provision of one or more simultaneous tutors, as required.

Thanks to the technical support, CENTRUM PUCP teachers were able to focus on their pedagogical work, while the tutors took care of the technological aspects of the virtual classrooms. This ensured the continuity and quality of classes, and students indirectly benefited from receiving a seamless virtual learning experience.

UPN sought to complement its synchronous undergraduate classes with 100% virtual learning materials that were interactive and asynchronous. The goal was to offer students attractive and relevant resources that would allow for flexible learning. The university sought to modernize its educational offering and adapt to new trends in virtual education.

Aprendizaje360 developed nine virtual courses for UPN, optimizing the university’s initial educational proposal. SCORM learning objects were created, both for content and practice, including interactive games, using Articulate Storyline and multimedia elements (narration, images, text, and subtitles). Reading material with an improved visual design was also developed. Aprendizaje360’s team applied its experience in learning theories and multimedia design to ensure the pedagogical effectiveness and attractiveness of each course.

UPN was able to complement its synchronous classes with high-quality virtual courses, offering its students a more flexible, interactive, and modern learning experience. These courses benefited thousands of undergraduate students, improving the learning process and contributing to the university’s digital transformation.

PUCP is the leading university in Peru. In an effort to align with the educational, technological, and market placement demands that may favor its students, has gradually established a digital credential and badge delivery system aimed at recognizing learning achievements at various levels: skills, competencies, and programs. This initiative has been widely adopted in various academic units of the institution. This has fostered a space for reflection, aimed at standardizing the process of delivering these recognitions across all units, as well as at aligning them with current market demands.

A lead consultant at Aprendizaje360 worked alongside experts from the Continuing Education Department and the Academic Vice-Rectory to create a digital certificate and badge management model that governs all academic units of the university. This model contains administrative, educational, graphic, and communication guidelines that allow the university to have standardized quality processes that promote the recognition of these certificates and badges as highly relevant tools for the positioning of its students in the labor market.

The university now has a tool that governs the processes of issuance, delivery, and socialization of digital certificates and badges, allowing all its units to issue them in a fast, efficient, and standardized manner. This model is open to future improvements in accordance with both technical and educational innovations and market demands.

Alicorp is one of the largest companies in the food and distribution industry in Peru. In the context of post-pandemic corporate training, Alicorp identified the need to boost online training for field personnel, but given the company’s size, they deemed it necessary to identify the processes needed to generate and deploy this offering in an orderly manner.

The team of educational experts at Aprendizaje360 worked hand-in-hand with key stakeholders in corporate education at Alicorp to generate a complete virtual learning management model. This model contemplates the identification of educational needs, the creation of competencies, processes for creating educational programs, and standardization in the creation of virtual courses. Finally, the model also contemplates tools for learning assessment and continuous improvement of training.

The generation of a virtual learning management process model tailored to Alicorp’s culture, technological infrastructure, strategic organizational objectives, and values allows the organization to design and deploy virtual training in a fast and efficient manner, following high quality standards.

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